The aim of the conference

The International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology - COAST,  from 29 May to 01 June 2024 in Herceg Novi, Montenegro, aims to bring together academic communities, researchers and scientists to exchange information, experiences and research results on all aspects of specialized and interdisciplinary areas. The conference provides an opportunity for everyone to network, exchange ideas and present their research to the international community. The discussion on the latest innovations, achievements, trends, practical problems and challenges they face in these areas is also encouraged.

At the Conference, modern scientific and professional results are presented, discussions and review lectures are organized, development and production projects and programs are presented. The work at the Conference will take place within the author's sections, plenary lectures, round tables and presentations.

Conference topics

  • Engineering, technology and materials
  • Computer science and information technology
  • Biology, physics, chemistry, matematics
  • Medical, biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences
  • Economy, management, tourism and hospitality
  • Legal and political sciences, sociology, psychology,
  • Humanities: philosophy, philology, history, theology
  • Sustainable development, ecology, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources
  • Education, online education – eLearning



Official languages at the Conference are English language and languages in official use in Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia.

NOTE: Note that there are language selection icons in the upper right corner of the site.


Papers may be presented within the following sessions:

  • Plenary sessions (30 min),
  • Oral presentations (15 min),
  • Poster presentations (max. dimensions of the poster 0.9m x 0.9m)
  • Virtual presentations: online (over video link) or offline.


The work of the conference will be organized within thematic sections. The work of the sections will be published in the COAST 2024 Conference Program given on the conference website.